Professor Sharon

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28, 27, 26, 25 and bittersweet moments indeed…

May 7th, 2014 · 1 Comment · 100 Days Project, College students, Education, Fundraiser, Musings, retirement, Work

I truly have been thinking about this blog, and not short of material.  But the last few days have had more bitter than sweet and I simply got hung up on that.  I don’t want to write about those moments or focus on them anymore.  Those are the things that created the stress in this job; so much of it is about my disbelief in the fact that some of my colleagues choose not to be, don’t know how to be, kind and generous.  They do believe they are being that – I think – but, in the end, they aren’t, and I’ve not known how to let go of those moments so easily.  And, so I just didn’t know what to write about the bitter –  that was getting the better of me.

But, again, my dear hubby, reminded me to not focus on that, but to focus on the sweet: and so today I return to that and will do my best to write about that in my last 25 days in this job.   Day 22 was the Scholarships Awards ceremony where the Greenfield Community College Foundation gives out thousands of dollars in scholarships.  I had the pleasure of meeting and presenting four students with their scholarships — tears, amazing stories of life challanges, and delightful proud students and families.   I’m proud of my work on that Board and in doing this for the school.  That is the sweet.

I plan on having 24 more days of sweetness.

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One Comment so far ↓

  • SerahRose Roth

    I wonder how much stress in the work place is caused by that very thing. I wonder if we will ever really learn to let it go, or if we should. Well, seeing as you are just about to go on your next journey, I am taking the baton of work-related stress out of your clever fingers. It’s all mine now! I look forward to the day when I get to count down my own 24 days of sweetness to the days of working only through the inspiration of my big big heart and not because my paycheck tells me so. ilu.

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