Professor Sharon

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Entries from October 28th, 2009

Picture books, play and Halloween

October 28th, 2009 · No Comments · Books, Children, Musings

” What does Halloween have to do with children’s play, and picture books?” Did you know about this other blog I write for?  It’s a great resource with thoughts, book suggestions, tips and more for bringing drama to the early childhood classroom.  PictureBook Plays is more than taking the three popular well-behaved kids in the […]


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School Memories

October 21st, 2009 · No Comments · photo of the week

A 40th high school reunion.  A little book at the store that asks grandparents to write down memories of their school days.  A little worry that I haven’t heard from my childhood school friend for too long.  Friending my favorite high school teacher on Facebook. I teach for a living and I have for a […]


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Where the Wild Things Are

October 18th, 2009 · No Comments · Books, Children, family, Musings

Many years ago when I was the mother of a two-year-old child whose temper tantrums alongside moments of brilliant cognitive insights just about did me in, a fellow mom whose children were in their teens said to me:  “Remember this day, a day when you’re sure you could eat them alive.  But they get older, […]


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