Professor Sharon

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Entries from April 30th, 2014

33 and Abigail Adams Eliot

April 30th, 2014 · No Comments · 100 Days Project, Education, Important People, Musings, retirement, Teaching & Learning

Tonight brought the evening honoring our local child care providers: we call it the Abigail Adams Eliot Award for local Educator and Administrator.  It was a lovely evening with a STEM focus, with tables of local organizations, dinner and a presentation about STEM for early care providers. At one point the moderator asked all those […]


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34 and a week!

April 28th, 2014 · No Comments · 100 Days Project, Children, College students, Education, Musings, retirement, Teaching & Learning

Well, okay, somewhere, and I know where, more than a few days went by!  This, however, is what my life usually looks like!  What did I do in that time that claimed my time?  Let’s see: taught classes, supervised student teachers, spent the day in NYC getting there via a bus trip that the Art […]


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40 and playing hooky

April 23rd, 2014 · No Comments · 100 Days Project, eating, Museums, Musings, retirement

After a morning student teacher observation visit, hubby and I played hooky!  Drive a bit south to see a few great exhibits at the Springfield (MA) Museums!  A little rain didn’t spoil the day of art, lunch at the cafe and yogurt on the way home! How does one play hooky in retirement?


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41and nature

April 22nd, 2014 · No Comments · 100 Days Project, Children, College students, Education, Musings, Reading, retirement

It really struck me today that I’m six classes away from the end of my adult teacher education teaching career. I walked the two miles to work on a beautiful spring day enjoying the college’s many marshes and ducks coming to spend their spring with us. In early childhood curriculum class we talked about one […]


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43, 42 and skills

April 21st, 2014 · No Comments · 100 Days Project, family, Musings, retirement, time

I found this website/blog by Bob Lowry today and really liked his question:  “Do you lack the necessary skills to retire?”   Although, truth be told, I would have asked it as “Do you have the necessary skills to retire?”  I spent a few minutes looking at blogs about retirement and soon tired of the topics: […]


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