Bingo Granola! Yes indeed, that is the name! It’s made in Brattleboro, Vermont and I buy it at Greenfield’s Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings.  I’ve just finished the bottom of my second bag. I often eat it with a little maple syrup (not really necessary – just to please my sweet tooth) and on top […]
Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'
I don’t mean what you understand
May 15th, 2009 · 2 Comments · Uncategorized
Heard on the playground today from a three and half year old child who just wasn’t convinced that school was happening at the playground. The last day of school was being celebrated at a local park with family invited, snacks, a story teller, lots of running and rolling down slides, and lunch. But this little […]
Shaker Spring Forum
April 4th, 2009 · 2 Comments · Communal Societies, Shaker, Site Seeing, travel, Uncategorized
I sit typing in a room used since 1857 as a spiritual meeting place by the Shakers of this community. How fascinating to sit in the middle of this room using wireless and a laptop in a space once used to observe one’s spiritual beliefs. I sit and imagine how odd it feels and wonder […]
Tags: scholarship·Shaker·Shaker cooking
Ahead, behind, or what?
March 27th, 2009 · 3 Comments · Musings, Uncategorized, Work
Today I was at a conference at Umass Boston, with my trusty new touch iPod in hand with hopes that I could blog, check emails, etc. while in attendance. Did any of those happen? Just one – one little email.   Was it my iPod? NO.  Was it me? MAYBE  Was it the frustration of technology? […]
Tags: blogging·iPod touch·technology
How old will you be this weekend?
December 12th, 2008 · 4 Comments · Children, Important People, Musings, Uncategorized
A rare moment is about to happen in my house: I’m not going to win the lottery, and as far as I know it won’t be 90 degrees tomorrow, nor will I wake up 25 years old. Or maybe I will. Tomorrow my two children and grandchild come to visit for a short 48 hours. […]