100 Day Project – Day 66 – 8:52 p.m.
If anyone cares to try to open this document and figure out if it works; you’re welcome to it! I have an Echo Smartpen as part of a grant at my community college. With just a half-hour under my belt, I can think of a lot of possible ways to use it in the classroom. Except I’m really old-fashioned in that I really dislike – I might use the word hate – that today’s technology comes with th idea that you’ll just mess around with it, go for YouTube videos, and hunt and peck forever until you’ve got it down. I can do all of those things and I’m not shy about just pushing buttons and stuff to figure it out, BUT, I love a good instruction book. Why on earth should I have to figure out how to figure it out when a few pages would show me how? Have we taken the concept of constructing your own knowledge just a wee bit far? That’s what I’m thinking about today!
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