Professor Sharon

Professor Sharon header image 2

59, 58, 57, 56, 55 and a cold…

April 7th, 2014 · No Comments · 100 Days Project, Musings, My Goals, retirement, time, Walking, Work

Somewhere these past five days flew.

It might have been the spring finally arriving.  After a really cold, cold winter, the weather is slowing warming up, and I found myself enjoying the outdoors with lots of walking to town to run errands, see art, and just walk.

It might have been the cold – in my head that is.  I found myself fighting a cold starting a few days ago.  I spent the time in between time walking and being outdoors trying to get extra rest and even took a nap (something I’m not inclined to ever do by choice).

It might have been the amazement my brain is experiencing about the fact that I have free time.  I took what is called Work-Life Balance this academic year – some weeks it’s been obvious I have more time, but actually, most of the time, it hasn’t felt like it!  But this past week it really did give me space  and time – both to enjoy other activities away from my desk, and in my brain.  I’ve been thinking and talking alot about what will I be doing my time when I am retired?  I have lots of ideas.  We shall see what the answers will be.

It might have been that I’m getting better at not focusing and worrying about meeting deadlines!  This blog is, of course, a deadline I’ve set myself.  Thinking about retiring has already taught me that there will be deadlines, and many of them, that will be different, if they even exist.

It might have been I just wanted to do what I wanted to do for five days…


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