Professor Sharon

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84 and the rhythm of time

March 11th, 2014 · No Comments · 100 Days Project, College students, family, Musings, retirement, time, Work

Today I felt a little of the reality of the time I will have to manage when I am retired.  It’s been a hard start to my last semester; with unending snow storms, and school closings and all that effects in terms of supervising student teachers.

But, this morning I completed the first round of supervisions and realized that I’d have tomorrow and then Friday to work with, not counting THursday when I do need to teach four hours of classes.  I have prep work to do, and some homework to grade, and some Moodle activities to set up; but those chores aren’t going to take two full days.

As I walked this afternoon with my hubby, during a break in his work, on a delightful “spring really is going to show up” kind of day, I realized what retirement might look like: time of my own to rearrange!  Wow.


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