Every trip I think, actually I set out determined and certain that I’m going to blog while I’m on the trip — and every trip, well, almost every trip, I don’t! Somehow the thought of organizing photos, my thoughts and interesting reflections is hard after a long day of travel, so my good intentions go by the wayside.
So for those I promised a look at Iceland, stay tuned here for more. It was a magical place. Many see or experience much more of the countryside than we did; however, we came home with an impression of a warm, welcoming and proud people with an astonishing history.
Before I left, I’d been thinking about the many blogs and Facebook postings I follow that often talk about how much you can “do” in an hour, or don’t go for more than an afternoon to this city because there isn’t much to “see.” When we were traveling, I was again struck with how often I watched people see something, take a selfie with it or of it and move along. Did they see it? Probably, although maybe that’s debatable. Did they experience it? Probably not. That’s what I’m thinking alot about as I unpack from this trip.
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