As I mentioned yesterday, Santiago de Compostela was one of the highlights of this trip for me. Where to begin? I learned so much, and really wanted to stay several more days to explore the modern side of town, the water, the beautiful park that we only managed to stroll part of, and speak to […]
Entries Tagged as 'camino'
Santiago de Compostela – Spain & Portugal trip – #11
November 18th, 2014 · 2 Comments · Spain & Portugal 2014, travel
Tags: camino·chocolate·churros·food·museum·pilgrims·rain·reading·Spain·spirituality·travel·walking
Across Spain and Portugal – post #2
October 15th, 2014 · No Comments · photo of the week, retirement, Site Seeing, Spain & Portugal 2014, travel, Walking
Goodness, I really don’t know where to start, and the days of touring are incredible long, so tiredness sets in at this hour of almost 11 pm. We began today at 7 am, getting our bags outside the door of our room, down to have an incredible breakfast, and onto the bus. Today’s schedule had […]