Professor Sharon

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Dreams and Goals

February 8th, 2008 · 1 Comment · My Goals, Sabbatical trip, travel

It’s at moments such as this that I begin to understand those who believe in being blessed by a Higher Power.

Hubby and I just returned from a meeting with our lawyer and accountant. We have assets that need protecting, and other people whose careers it is to know how to do that for us.

That seems mundane to many, especially those who I know will read my blog, but I’m reminded today that it isn’t so to me. I am from the “working class poor” I suppose it would be called. My father was eventually in my childhood a federal employee – worked in the motor pool at an arsenal. After the war (WWII) he drove trucks for bakeries until this job. He believed that women should stay home, and so my mother did. She raised 5 children. She was one of 12, so we had dozens of cousins and relatives in the area. My parents never bought a home and were always renters. His salary was $18,000 a year in the late 70s at the end of his career.

For many reasons — too many — to get through in this format; as a precocious child I have many memories of decisions I made before I was even 10 years old. I knew when I was 8 I was going to get a doctorate (my father made it through high school, my mother the 4th grade). I knew I had to get out of our community to learn more about other people. I knew I was going to travel (then I only knew you could travel the US though!).

And, here’s where I was going with this morning’s chores: I knew that I would be “rich” when I had a home with pretty things in it and that it would be still there when I died so that my children would have an “estate.” I do think, even with my training in early childhood, that this is an odd thing for an 8 year to make decisions about!

So today, I am blessed. I have the means and time to go study abroad. I started reading Dickens at 9 years old, so I’m pretty sure that some of my ideas of what rich people do and have come from the years I spent in childhood hiding from my real life in books! I have a home, and other material goods.

And, of course, I am richest in the love of family and friends. I have so enjoyed the last few days of seeing and hugging good friends who wish me the sincerest and sweetest “good travel.” And, today, as so many days, when I think of my life; I think the harder about what I can do to share it with others.

I think I might be about to have one of those adventures that I read about at 10 years old!


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