We began our day at the Northern Light Inn in Grindavik. We ended our day at the Hotel Borgarnes in Borgarnes. (A note about the hotel – a good basic place, small, but clean rooms with one of the tinyest bathrooms ever; and a quite good breakfast).
In between, a visit to a family owned fish factory, to a agricultural lecture at the Agricultural Science Center and University, beautiful scenery, and amazing weather. It was in the 50s, sunny and no wind (we would learn a couple of days later how few days without wind there really are in Iceland).
The fish factory — Stakkavik Ehf” – located in a small village was our first stop.

The fishing fleet

The harbor
Sadly, truly sadly, the fishermen had not brought any fish in that day, so we had to see the processing plant empty. It would have been amazing to see it in action; but we were too disappointed for the economy of the fisherman that day to feel too badly for ourselves.
They had a couple of short videos to show us both about how the fish was processed; and the lives of the fishermen at sea — I think we all should appreciate our fish a bit more when we eat it!

Floor of the fish processing plant
Our trip to our next stop included a fairly new tunnel under a fjord from there to Borgarnes – about 4 miles – pretty interesting. I did have the momentary thought about what if a volcano erupts while we’re down there! Best not to let those thoughts linger when you’re traveling!
After lunch at a country restaurant (sadly, I can’t find the name of it – if I do later, I’ll post it), an amazing location where berries where growing wild all around us (actually, I was to find out that that was true at this time of the year all around Iceland!). No matter where you go in Iceland, the scenario is always breathtaking!
Then on our way to the Agricultural University of Iceland, where we had a lecture on Icelandic Agriculture. They are, rightly so, very proud of their history. Their cows, sheep and horses are of old Nordic origin, while pigs and poultry have been imported; but all imports have strict rules as their animals have been kept separate from other breeds for so long. The fodder is mostly grass and grass products. The Icelandic sheep is a north european short tailed breed that they use for meat and wool. The Icelandic horse is world famous for its five gaits. All during our visit we were told that they are horses, not ponies, although they are smaller in stature than a horse. And, no other horses are allowed to come to Iceland, and if an Icelandic horse leaves the island it doesn’t return.
It was interesting to know that pesticide and herbicide use is rare, growth hormones are forbidden as are antibiotics in the feed. They are working on growing their vegetables in hothouses using geothermal power, as well as automatic diary farms (more on those later as we did visit both on our trip).
While in Hvanneyri, we stopped by the town’s center, looking in on their church, a wool shop and their local history museum. Really so lovely, and welcoming guides.

The town church

Double thumbed mittens – in the museum display – one side gets wet, flip them around!
And so our day draws to a close, as we drive through more breath-taking scenery to Borgarnes. A lovely town on the water, with if you remember what I said, the rooom with the smallest bathroom ever (it worked so that’s all that mattered!). We had time before dinner at the hotel to have a walk about town.

Here it is…..small indeed!
The teacher in me loved this area we found: — the sign says “Play with Rocks.” The flat area is filled with heavy, yes, real rocks painted different colors. We saw adults and children over the next couple of days building and moving them around – more pictures in my next post.
We’re still jet lagged, we’re overwhelmed with the beauty before us, the kind people we’re encountering, a Tour Guide who will turn out to be one of the best, and lovely people as our travelmates. The first two days have whetted our appetites for more of this other worldly island.
You are welcome, Kim! So glad someone is enjoying the read!
Thanks for the arm chair touring you have graced us with! Iceland is becoming more “real” to me with each post!